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Be Educated About Google’s Recent Warning Regarding Your Website’s Mobile Load Time

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Getting an email from Google alerting you that 22% of your customers leave your mobile site before they even see your page load is a shock. When a Google AdWords client forwarded an email to us with this claim that included an offer to meet with a Google Marketing Solutions representative to learn how to rectify this problem – we jumped at the chance.
The good news for AdWords clients using AccuNet for their website and AdWords campaign set up is that you are in good hands. When we met for an online conference with their implementation specialists we learned this specific customer had a score of 79 for their mobile website. While we thought this was not good, considering it is on a 100 point scale we were educated by Google that any site over 75 is considered a “very good score.”
Even better, we were able to raise the score to 98 by moving a piece of AdWords code to a different location on the page. Note that its location was set by Google during original set up, but they have updated their preferences. The only reason we are not at 100 of 100 is because of two browser caching issues that are controlled by Google itself. It’s impossible for us to change their cache timing – we’re happy with a 98.
We share this knowledge so that you know we are always willing to investigate your concerns. The meeting this morning has given us information to use with our other AdWords clients.